幻梦中的腥红色塞纳河他看见爱人长眠的躯壳他们都是舞池的尘埃从升腾起就开始寂灭和坠落他们在这里与敌人抗争与病魔拉扯与爱人离合与生命挽歌The Way They WereThe Way We Are这里曾是他们的所在青柠社区也是我们的此刻
He is the ex who didn’t want you to go for that hard-to-get overseas posting cos he claimed that he couldn’t bear having you leave him. Or the ex who said your heels look shit when in fact by wearing them it means you’ll be taller than him. He is the male figure who is lesser than you but will relentlessly put you down to make himself feel better.